Reality of Love – online workshop with Yumi
~ Resting in Love’s Presence
Zoom webinar workshop with Yumi GraceStream,
Teacher of A Way of Mastery from Japan
September 12th & 13th (Sat & Sun)
Dear Beautiful Friends of the Heart,
My Heart feels so warm again and delighted that I will abide with you in the Sacred Circle together via Webinar in the middle of September… When I received the Call from God to continue to offer What IT wants to extend with my Dear Friend, Rafal, who will translate the message of Love, my Heart felt so graceful with full of Love and joyful to serve as a Conduit for God, our Source That we all share as souls…
This time I would like to invite all of you to the deeper exploration of “What Love is, TRULY”……
Oh… Love… So many people talked/talk about love and so many people are seeking for love… even in the spiritual worlds… Yet, do we truly Know what Love is, and what Love is not… ??? There is one thing that is worth to PONDER: What if what we believe as ‘love’ is NOT TRUE LOVE in the Reality… Actually this had been the main theme throughout my entire soul journey, where I had a lot of bruises, dramas and confusions…
Jeshua says: you don’t need to seek for Love because you are That Love….
Yet, how we could Know we are That Love…. I found through my own up-and-down journey that this Knowing is only available through direct feeling, not through the mind/intellect understanding… We could Know by BECOMING what is known and eventually by BEING it…
This is a huge theme as it will take us into the body and feeling level experiments and invite us to embody what we find as True Love…. This workshop via webinar will offer the context for you to re-access the Love’s Presence, your True Nature, with clues to how to maintain it, if you will…….
We will also look deeper at the false perceptions that the worlds taught/teach us… If we desire, we can start choosing to correct the mind and heal the wounds, so that eventually we can transform ‘worldly love’ to True Love, and start embodying the Truth more, even more…. Ummmmm….…. The vibration through the entire Universe will be changed and uplifted through our joining dedicated solely to healing and awakening further…. When that truly happens, it’s a Real Blessing for all of us and all the friends in any dimensions!!!
All we need is a little willingness and genuine Curiosity to dive into this Unknown Mysterious Journey to find out the Truth of Love, restoring Childlike Innocence and Playfulness… Along the Journey, we will/may also touch upon the Holy Relationship a bit, which could/might be deepened further in a different occasion if it’s a Call from the Divine…..
I am very much looking forward to joining with a lot of Friends to delve into this Wondrous Journey to the Reality of Love…. All the offerings are completely under the Guidance of Spirit/God moment by moment, being enfolded and supported by the Loving Presence of Jeshua, Mary Magdalene, Germain and all the Christ Council Members… Oh, Beautiful Holy Children of God, Come to join US!!
with Blissful Delight and Humbleness,
Yumi (YouMe)
The webinar will be presented in English and translated live to Polish. In order to participate you will have to have zoom installed on your computer or „zoom cloud meetings” application on your phone. The instruction about installing zoom and joining the webinar along with the zoom link and the access code will be sent to you when we receive your payment. Maximum number of participants: 100 people (or more accurately: 100 devices).
Sept 12, 10 am -12pm Warsaw time
Sept 13, 10 am -12pm Warsaw time
200 PLN (approx. 45 euro)
Discount for couples using one device: if a couple wants to participate and will be using one device to connect with the webinar, then the price is 150 PLN (approx. 34 euro) per person (300 PLN for both).
If you want to register please send us your first and last name to this email address: and we will send you the bank details.
After we receive your payment, we will send you the confimation of your reservation.
You are cordially invited!
Blessings and love,
Maria and Rafal